This workshop brings together research findings, practices, and challenges of using the ADL Experience API (xAPI) in the rich ecosystems of contemporary technology-enhanced learning.
In 2013 the ADL Initiative released the first version of xAPI and promoted it as a replacement for its SCORM framework. The specification seeks to integrate learning experiences and outcomes from a wide range of systems and environments, including mobile learning, games, and simulations. The xAPI combines data structures and service interfaces for so-called activity streams. This created new opportunities for transparent and plugable solutions for recording and analysing complex and non-linear learning trajectories that are going beyond the boundaries of single devices. In 2016 xAPI has been adopted as part of the CMI5 specification and, thus, became a core requirement for technology-enhanced learning in government, industry, and commerce. In 2018 IEEE was accepted xAPI for the standardisation track. Despite its short history, xAPI has gained much interest by commercial providers of technology-enhanced learning. It is also the latest development in over twenty years of standardisation in technology enhanced learning. Therefore, this workshop includes viewpoints on the lessons learnt from TEL standardisation and the implications for xAPI and its ecosystem.
The workshop invites researchers, developers, and TEL practitioners to discuss xAPI related findings, solutions, and challenges.
Frameworks and architectures
Integrating complex learning environments
Organisational and legal aspects
Challenges for interoperability beyond activity tracking
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