Despite rapid growth, the deployment of LA is still fragmented, and there is limited evidence of success available. This fragmentation decreases the visibility of results and experiences and amplifies possibilities for duplication in effort. Fragmentation and the bias of researchers to publish only successful studies increases the likelihood that we do not take into account lessons learned from failure and thus duplicate our efforts around mitigating actions. We should be highly motivated to decrease failure as it costs, the prime example being the Inbloom disaster, which impacted on many tens of thousands of students.
This blog asks for feedback on the risks you encounter during any of the stages of LA deployment from concept to reality. We are deploying a survey, and the results will be shared in an anonymous format to provide feedback to researchers and importantly for those who have to implement.
A link to a call for proposals for a hackathon which will also include the review of the risks with mitigations here:
Later in the year, a longer paper will be published at which point we will share through a secondary blog.
To structure this debate, we will later review the currently available frameworks that support the deployment of large-scale LA infrastructure and define a strategy of curation of a global risk mitigation matrix (risks vs mitigative actions). We show how a risk mitigation matrix can be attached to any deployment framework improving both the framework and the quality of the matrix. Finally, based on hackathons, to kick off curation, we suggest a series of interconnected workshops to facilitate the take-up this methodology to generate a periodic strategy document with associated top ten list of mitigations.
Alan Mark Berg - UvA
Gábor Kismihók - TIB Hannover
Patrick Lynch - Hull University
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