Community guidelines
Welcome to SURF Communities. We invite you to contribute to this community. We ask that you abide by these house rules. This will ensure that SURF Communities is a pleasant and inspiring place for everyone.
Show who you are
SURF Communities connects education and research professionals. Complete your profile and add a picture of yourself.
Help each other
Post an article, respond to an article, and seek each other out. By sharing knowledge and interacting, we can move forward together.
Communicate positively and constructively
Healthy discussion fits on this platform, but do so in a friendly tone and with the aim of moving forward together.
Treat each other with respect
Everything you say here can also be found on the Internet. So don't post offensive images, respect intellectual property and be careful with other people's personal data and privacy.
No promotions and spam
At SURF Communities, we share factual information or (reasoned) opinions about IT innovation in education and research. Advertising, spam and irrelevant links are not allowed.
Good to know
Contributions to SURF Communities are made without the intervention of SURF. We do, however, regularly check articles against these house rules. SURF reserves the right to remove contributions which are (suspected of being) in violation of these rules.
Do you have questions about the community guidelines, or would you like to report inappropriate content? Please send an e-mail to