How to use Zoom in a GDPR-compliant way?

Do you use Zoom to organise and run your online education? Below you’ll find a number of links on how to use Zoom as privacy-friendly as possible (NL / EN).

GDPR compliance

Due to the COVID-19 crisis, many parties are starting to use new tools for remote meetings or webinars. Many parties choose Zoom. This software is known for its quality. It rarely malfunctions and has a very user-friendly interface. The current crisis has certainly not done the American service provider any harm. But of course, European customers wonder: can you work with such an American service provider? And how do their privacy and security policies relate to the GDPR? ICT-Recht (IT Law) wrote this blog about it (in Dutch).

Privacy from two perspectives

If you're using Zoom, it makes sense to look at the privacy issues from two perspectives. The first thing to understand is what information Zoom can collect, and what they do with this information. Then there's the information the meeting host collects and how this can be shared with other. This article will provide you with tips on how to protect yourself while using Zoom (English).

Attention tracking feature

Zoom offers users a feature called “attention tracking.” According to the Zoom website the feature — which can be disabled if the chat administrator allows it — will track whether participants click away from the active Zoom window for more than 30 seconds. Read more about this feature in a Vice article here. The Zoom website also provides more information about this feature.

Tips for Zoom users

There are certain privacy issues with Zoom. Especially now Zoom is growing explosively due to the increased demand for remote-working tools, various digital and privacy watchdogs have analysed Zoom and written articles about it. Zoom offers hosts, admins, and Zoom extensive surveillance options that many unsuspecting Zoom users will not (always) be aware of. Therefore, here is an overview and what you can do with this knowledge as a user (in Dutch).

Zoom's own statement

What does Zoom say about privacy and security? See the privacy statement and the security whitepaper of the organization.

SURF and video conferencing

Because higher education institutions are closed and employees, lecturers and researchers work from home, there is a great need to keep in touch with colleagues, students, and employees online. Video conferencing services (VC services) can help with this. What does SURF do? Read it here.

More information?

Do you know a useful article with tips on privacy-friendly use of Zoom that is not yet listed here? Let us know in the comments.



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