Apart from lots of presentations (schedule not published yet) there are also HPC-focused workshops that might be interesting:
- Hands-on with Julia for HPC on GPUs and CPUs
- Productive Parallel Programming with Dagger.jl
- Scientific Machine Learning using Functional Mock-Up Units
There is also a mini-symposium Julia for High-Performance Computing. The minisymposium will include presentations of the following confirmed speakers and topics (exact titles and schedule will be finalized later):
Giacomo Aloisi (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) “SeismicWaves.jl: a Julia package for Full-Waveform Inversion on multi-xPUs”
Tim Besard (JuliaHub) “Update on CUDA.jl and oneAPI.jl changes”
Sriharsha Kandala (California Institute of Technology, USA) “Juggling GPUs: handling multiple devices for distributed computing”
Bernat Font and Gabriel Weymouth (TU Delft) “WaterLily.jl: A fast and flexible CFD solver with heterogeneous execution”
Benedict Geihe (University of Cologne, Germany) “libtrixi: serving legacy codes in earth system modeling with fresh Julia CFD”
Boris Kaus (JGU Mainz, Germany) & Ludovic Räss (University Lausanne, Switzerland) "Developing Supercomputing Geoscience Applications using Composable Julia Tools"
Samuel Omlin (CSCS, Switzerland) "Seamless transition from single-core Python to Julia Multi-GPU"
Julian Samaroo (MIT, USA) "Applications of Distributed Task Parallelism"
You Wu (ETH Zurich, Switzerland) "Ginkgo.jl: Harnessing GPU Power for Solving Sparse Linear Systems"
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