Om te leren van elkaars fouten en samen tot de best practices te komen is de Vraagbaak opzoek naar foute of mislukte voorbeelden. Ieder voorbeeld en experiment is welkom. Voorbeelden kunnen echt van alles zijn. Alle ervaringen worden compleet anoniem verzameld. Je kunt hier je ervaring achterlaten!
The Vraagbaak AI in Education is collecting brilliant mistakes of AI in education for the month of AI in Education.
If you have done an experiment or attempted an experiment with AI in education and got stuck, it did not set off, the outcome was not what you had expected, AI did not work as you had intended, you name it, then the AI Vraagbaak would love to hear from you!
The Vraagbaak is collecting brilliant mistakes and examples of AI in education to learn from each others mistakes and to achieve best practices together. Every example and experiment is welcome. The examples can be anything. All experiences are being collected anonimously. You can leace your experience here!
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