Nicoletta Prange (student)
I am a third-year student from Germany at the Windesheim Honours College in… Meer over Nicoletta Prange (student)

Do you ever feel like AI has become a buzzword in higher education? Since the rise of ChatGPT many educational institutions have started to integrate AI into their curricula, which leads to drastic changes in the educational field. To help educators navigate AI developments better, we developed a scanning tool to gain awareness on AI integration levels.
In the autumn semester of 2023, a team of four international Global Project and Change Management students embarked on a journey called Value Creators. Value Creators is an innovative educational concept, which was developed by the Windesheim Honours College in Zwolle, the Netherlands. We, Florian Schmidt, Leïla Azelmad, Nicoletta Prange and Tessa de Waal have been working on AI and education. By going through four different phases (exploration, engagement, elaboration and evaluation), we not only gained a better understanding of the implications of AI on higher education but also created a value product, which is a scanning tool. In the exploration phase, we chose the topic of AI and started exploring the complex system around it, to fully understand the extent and interconnectedness of the issue. Then we engaged with various networks, by networking at conferences and connecting to experts in different fields to gain a holistic picture of the complex system. We engaged with people working in higher education, in the private sector working on AI and education, policy makers and pedagogists. This gave us hands-on insights into the developments in this field and the opportunity to learn with and from many different people. All of this engagement showed us that there was a need for a practical tool in higher education to create awareness on the matter. Thus, we developed the concept of a scanning tool on AI integration levels into higher education. During the elaboration phase we started developing the scanning tool. This tool was co-created with Dr. Ana Ilievska and Christiane Schaefer from the University of Bonn, Erik Fledderus from the Windesheim AI working group, Duuk Baten from SURF and Dr. Alexander Laszlo from the Laszlo Institute in Argentina. In the last phase, the team ensured a value continuation and digitalization of the scanning tool, by collaborating with the Windesheim AI working group. In collaboration with students from Windesheim’s ICT department the team will digitalize and test the scanning tool.
The scanning tool aims to initiate conversations and reflections among educators, offering a situational analysis without indicating a preferred AI integration level. Its value lies in helping educators formulate steps to reach their preferred AI integration levels, benefiting curriculum developers, teachers, and students. The tool visualizes eight categories in a circular format, each with four levels of AI integration. To have a holistic approach to the topic the categories can fall under three umbrella terms: People relation with AI, pedagogy and technical infrastructure. The target audience includes lecturers and management and curriculum designers. The tool is intended for an online platform, providing step-by-step support throughout the scanning process, which helps educators to formulate tangible steps to move from their current AI integration levels to their preferred AI integration. By offering reflective prompts and disruptive questions, we hope to enhance understanding and awareness among users on AI in education.
We are enthusiastic about the development, testing, and refinement phases of our concept, aiming to apply firstly within the educational environment of Hogeschool Windesheim. We are open to discussions and eager to explore collaborative approaches, as we believe in the power of collective efforts to drive meaningful change in the field of education.
I am a third-year student from Germany at the Windesheim Honours College in… Meer over Nicoletta Prange (student)
Dit artikel heeft 8 reacties
Als lid van SURF Communities kun je in gesprek gaan met andere leden. Deel jouw eigen ervaringen, vertel iets vanuit je vakgebied of stel vragen.
It was a pleasure to see you all working on this project, and excited to see where this will go!
Very interesting Nicoletta! Can we see/try the scanning tool somewhere, or read about it in more detail?
Als antwoord op Very interesting Nicoletta!… door Esther van der…
I would also be very interested in trying this out!
Als antwoord op Very interesting Nicoletta!… door Esther van der…
Same here, I would also be very interested in knowing more about this scanning tool. Thanks!
Als antwoord op Very interesting Nicoletta!… door Esther van der…
Thank you for your interest! We are currently planning the testing and digitalization phase. We will reach out to you as soon as we have more concrete information.
Same here! Would love to try it out.
Hi Nicoletta,
Very interesting, I would also like to learn more about this tool when you're in a next stage or perhaps try it out!
Kind regards,
Kristie de Visser
keep me posted
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