More details will follow, but, but in brief topics covered will include:
- Retrieval, storage and access of remote sensing and earth observation data (at scale) using the STAC standard in combination with SURF’s storage systems
- Scalable analysis of RS/EO data sets using Dask clusters on Snellius, SPIDER, and SURF Research Cloud. This includes simplified set-up an interaction based on Jupyter Notebooks, placing the power of scalable systems at your fingertips with the ease of your accustomed notebook.
- Simple scalable deployment of containerized (e.g. Docker) workflows, enabling analysis at scale with established workflows
We look forward to welcoming you and sharing these developments for the Dutch remote-sensing and earth observation science communities.
Please save the date: 10-10-2022; Further details will follow.
Yifat Dzigin, Netherlands eScience Center
on behalf of the RS-DAT team
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