Introducing the Kickoff Event for the Open Research Information Community

Welcome to the inaugural event for the Open Research Information (ORI) program plan—a pivotal moment for advancing digital sovereignty and regaining control of our research information. This kickoff event marks the beginning of a transformative journey, guided by the principles outlined in the Barcelona Declaration and the detailed roadmap provided by the ORI program plan.

Register here

Event Agenda

  • Introduction to the ORI Program Plan: An overview of the new program plan for Open Research Information.
  • Discussion and Feedback: An interactive session to discuss the plan and share feedback.
  • Networking Opportunity: A chance to meet and connect with fellow attendees.
  • Further Information: Stay tuned for more details on the program.
science connected

Background and Importance

The digital sovereignty of research information is at the heart of this event. We aim to reclaim control over the metadata that describes the conduct and communication of research. This includes bibliographic data, metadata on research tools and funding, and information on organizations and contributors. Open Research Information is part of the SURF Innovation zone 'Strengthen Open Science'

“All information about Dutch publicly funded research and their results are openly available, accessible and reusable.”

– SURF member council, 13 Dec 2023

Why Open Research Information?

The Barcelona Declaration on Open Research Information sets the stage for our mission. It calls for a fundamental change in the research information landscape, advocating for transparency, accessibility, and the removal of restrictions imposed by proprietary infrastructures.

How Will We Achieve This?

The ORI program plan (draft) is our roadmap to success. It aligns with national coordination needs and strategic goals towards open scholarly communication. The plan encompasses:

  1. Establishing a solid foundation for the information chain.
  2. Enhancing metadata quality and coverage.
  3. Creating connections and enriching information.
  4. Making research information visible and reusable.

Community over Commercialization

-Theme of Open Access Week 2024

Meeting Goals

Our goal for this meeting is to acquaint attendees with the ORI program plan and to collectively chart a course forward. Together, we will explore how to implement the program’s main lines, ensuring that all Dutch publicly funded research information is openly available and reusable.

Join us as we embark on this exciting venture to support the global movement toward open science with information that is fully open and transparent. Your participation is crucial in shaping the future of research information management.

We look forward to welcoming you to the kickoff event for the Open Research Information Community!

Register here



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