FAQ: Examples and tips for online education

Quick guide:
If you need (or have been told) to put your campus course online in a hurry, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the options. Here is a quick guide (English) to help you get reasonable quality, even if you have limited time and resources. (Danika Marquis, TU Delft).

Examples and tips from The Netherlands (mostly in Dutch):

  • OU offers six free micro modules (in Dutch) with different suggestions and possibilities.
  • Zac Woolfitt (Inholland University of Applied Sciences – core team SIG Media & Education) wrote a nice blog (English) with various suggestions and possibilities.
  • The Avans University of Applied Sciences community of ICTO coaches has put together an online magazine (Dutch). They also published a free e-book in English.
  • Delft University of Technology shared tips and support (Dutch) they developed for their lecturers.
  • Irene van der Spoel (Utrecht University of Applied Sciences) wrote a useful article on remote teaching on LinkedIn (Dutch). She also published a free e-book (English).
  • Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences developed an online magazine on remote teaching: https://onderwijsopafstand.hr.nl/onlinemagazine/home/ (Dutch, English version follows asap)
  • Leiden University launched a support website: a new website with tips and tools for remote teaching. It's a work in progress. Check for regular updates and webinars on: https://universiteitleiden.nl/remoteteaching
  • Following the closing of schools, Kennisnet also launched a website with many tips (Dutch) for distance teaching in primary, secondary and vocational education (mbo).

Examples from outside of The Netherlands (variety of languages):

  • Educause compiled a library with many tips for distance teaching (English).
  • MIT shares a slide pack: Guide to Moving Courses Online (English).
  • In this article, Flemmish pedagogue Pedro de Bruyckere collected inspiring links from different places all over the world (Dutch).
  • In the USA, data has been collected on what different universities are doing to take their education online. The (enormous) overview can be found here, with types of tools and their application in various educational contexts (English).
  • The German FernUni has published a table overview of different types of tools and their application in different educational contexts (German).
  • Tips from Tony Bates: see this website (English). 
  • European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU) publishes tips, tools, resources, free webinars and courses of various European universities specialised distance teaching: https://empower.eadtu.eu/coronacrisis

How to communicate about the possibilities of online teaching? Loyola Marymout University in the USA shares how they communicate with staff and students:



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