THEME | Facilitating and supporting lecturers

This topic lists links to useful overviews with information to support lecturers and get them started on remote teaching. We refer to the most important articles on the forum and any additional information and tips we receive, we will process in this overview as soon as possible. This page will be updated regularly. Links refer to sources in English unless stated otherwise (in which case Google Translate can prove very helpful). This page is frequently updated.

Would you like to ask questions to colleagues in higer education? Or would you like to discuss a topic with others? Visit the Communities forum and post your question for your colleagues. You can also respond to questions others have asked or partake in discussions. You can log in with your institution account to join the forum. Does your question remain unanswered? Send us a message on

How do I follow current developments in other HigherEd institutions?

Attend our webinars (in Dutch), view the recordings or read follow-up articles. The following webinars have been organized or are planned:

Which websites, guides, toolboxes, or magazines do higher education institutions offer? 

Which relevant blogs and articles can I share with lecturers?

Where can I find (free) courses?

Where can I find an overview of avaibalble tools and software for lecturers to use?

Which examples are available from other education levels?

  • Following the closure of schools, Kennisnet has also launched a web site (in Dutch) with best practices for primary, secondary and vocational education on online learning.

Which examples are available from abroad?

  • Educause compiled a library with many tips for distance teaching.
  • MIT shared a slide pack: Guide to Moving Courses Online.
  • In this article, Flemmish pedagogue Pedro de Bruyckere collected inspiring links from different places all over the world (Dutch).
  • In the USA, data has been collected on what different universities are doing to take their education online. The (enormous) overview can be found here, with types of tools and their application in various educational contexts.
  • The German FernUni published an overview of different types of tools and their application in different educational contexts (German).
  • Tips from Tony Bates: see this website
  • European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU) publishds tips, tools, resources, free webinars and courses of various European universities specialised distance teaching: 
  • GÉANT, the pan-European network for education and research support services, have listed in a wiki which information and support are offered on a national level.

And furthermore:

  • Don't expect miracles. Read this article for insights in expectations, perspective and a reflection on this sudden transition to online education.

Last update by Marian Kat-de Jong - 21 April 2020 13:00



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