Where can I find (open) educational resources I can use?
- Kirsten Veelo (SURF) provided an overview of the learning materials available through SURF (English).
- Robert Schuwer (Fontys University of Applied Sciences) collected many sources on his website (in English) over the years.
- Delft University of Technology published 535 online exercises for Linear Algebra under an open license.
- Publishers worldwide have made information available free of charge. An overview of the publishers and more information can be found here (English).
What solutions does SURF offer to share educational resources?
If you would like to share educational resources quickly and easily with a specific group of fellow lecturers, you can use SURFdrive. You could also use SURFdrive to collectively work on files or documents through the SURFdrive web interface. Read more here (English).
If you would like to store, share, or create a collection of digital educational resources for large groups in a sustainable manner, sure SURFsharekit.
How can you reuse materials?
In this article, Lieke Rensink, project manager Open Educational Resources at SURF, explains how you can do this in five steps.
What solutions does the University of the Netherlands offer?
The University of the Netherlands created the Quarantine Colleges. This is a website developed by The University of the Netherlands, with support of the Association of Universities in The Netherlands (VSNU), where lecturers can upload their recorded lectures. The University of the Netherlands checks for quality and copyright and then publishes the videos on the Quarantine Colleges-YouTube channel. Read more here.
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