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Alle artikelen van Groene ICT en Duurzaamheid

35 artikelen

  1. E-waste in het hoger onderwijs: zijn instellingen wel 'in control'?

    SURF heeft in december 2016 een enquête uitgevoerd onder universiteiten en hogescholen over hun beleid rond duurzame ICT. We gingen specifiek in op hun omgang met e-waste (elektronisch afval). In het rapport vind je de resultaten en onze aanbevelingen.

  2. Case study: 20 procent energiebesparing dankzij simpele truc

    Met Demand Based Switching zet een processor bij beperkt gebruik automatisch de kloksnelheid omlaag. Hierdoor bespaar je stroom, zonder dat het impact heeft op de performance. Dit simpele trucje bestaat al een tijdje, maar wordt verrassend weinig gebruikt. Vooral bij kleinere datacenters, waar Nederland er juist veel van heeft, wordt het nog weinig toegepast. Diederik de Graaf deed onderzoek naar de servers van SURFdrive en ontdekte dat het energieverbruik omlaag kan met ongeveer 20%.

  3. Case study: 20% energy savings thanks to easy trick

    With Demand Based Switching, a processor automatically reduces its clock speed during limited utilisation. This conserves electricity, without affecting performance. It is surprising that this – by no means new – technique is still used so infrequently. The smaller data centres, in particular, of which the Netherlands has so many, rarely use it. Diederik de Graaf studied the SURFdrive servers and discovered that energy consumption could be reduced by approximately 20%.

  4. Green ICT Examples in Dutch Higher Education

    Over the past years, SURF put a lot of effort in sharing knowledge on sustainability within the SURF community. Four years ago we started working on this topic and since then we’ve managed to build a Green ICT community, the Green ICT Special Interest Group (SIG), of ~400 members from Dutch Higher Education. In collaboration with this SIG,  we organised many meetings and shared a lot of best practices on Green ICT. I thought it would make sense to look back and give an overview of what knowledge and experiences have been shared in the community.

  5. What is Green ICT?

    For most people, Green ICT is about reducing the impact of ICT on the environment. It is about reducing the energy use of computers, servers and data centers. You might even consider the whole life cycle of ICT equipment and look at the rare material use or think about e-waste and recycling. However, ICT is not only part of the problem of our environmental impact, it is also part of the solution.