Yvonne Florissen
Projectsecretaris Versnellingsplan Onderwijsinnovatie met… Meer over Yvonne Florissen

During these challenging times, institutions have rushed to provide information to their staff to move their education online. Below you'll find an overview of the information institutions made publicly available on their website to support lecturers. This overview only includes the webpages that are open and accessible to everyone and that are available in English. For the complete overview in Dutch, click here.
Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences | Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences has published an online magazine on Remote Teaching. The magazine focuses, among other things, on giving lectures to large groups, supervising small groups and practical education. They also published an online magazine focused especially on remote testing. There is also a FAQ page with many practical tips and tricks. |
Utrecht University of Applied Sciences | Utrecht University of Applied Sciences has a community on remote teaching (Dutch), with a lot of information and tips, but also provides some information on the use of tools in English. |
NHL Stenden University of Applied Sciences |
NHL Stenden has made an extensive page for helping lecturers to get started on Online education. Here lecturers can find information on lecturers and collaborating, tests, didactic tips and tricks, and workshop sessions. |
Saxion University of Applied Sciences | The support at Saxion uses video.saxion.nl to publish instructional videos and webinars on online education, including synchronous and asynchronous teaching and remote testing. |
Many other universities of applied sciences, including Zuyd, Christelijke Hogeschool Ede, Inholland, Hanze, and Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, provide their lecturers with information about distance learning through their intranet. Others do have public information but provide it is only available in Dutch, for example, the information from HAN University of Applied Sciences and Fontys University of Applied Sciences.
Maastricht University |
Maastricht University has a page about Online Education at UM. Here you can find guidelines for students and lecturers. Teaching staff can also find more information on this specific page. The university also provides animations and a general page for support on Blended Learning. There is even a daily (7 days a week) helpdesk for staff, available between 10 am and 10 pm. |
University of Twente | The University of Twente has made an overview of Online Teaching in which information can be found on e.g. recording or streaming lectures, and administering assignments and tests colleges, including presentations and peer feedback. They also have an education knowledge base, which includes information about online group work, online discussions and online mentoring. |
University of Groningen | The University of Groningen has a page on Teaching Online for Staff.
Here you will find strategies and tools for online teaching, as well as experiences of fellow lecturers about teaching online. There are also periodic webinars about online teaching and assessment. |
Delft University of Technology | Delft University of Technology has her own Teaching en Learning Support Services. The support is categorized in "Hands-on support", "Learning & Professional development" and "Initiatives and Collaborations". |
Erasmus University Rotterdam |
Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR) provides advice for online education on this page. Here you will find extensive information for making videos, including writing a script and creating infographics. Employees can contact the Community Learning & Innovation and the Learning Innovation Team per faculty. |
Leiden University |
Leiden University has made a knowledgebase, available in both Dutch and English. In addition to tips for remote teaching, information about replacing lectures and tutorials and building shared knowledge, they provide some last-minute tips for organising online education. |
VU Amsterdam |
Based on the example (CC BY) of the University of Amsterdam, VU Amsterdam has provided information in an open Canvas course. It includes information on online lectures, individual coaching, exams and assignments, and a FAQ and discussion forum. |
Utrecht University |
Utrecht University has a page with lots of didactical and technical tips and tools for remote teaching. The university also has an online community for teaching staff, TAUU. On this site, you'll find discussions among the community of lecturers and news items. Information and experiences are shared to help each other out. |
Radboud University | The Radboud Teaching and Learning Centre collects information, tips, and tricks for lecturers. The center also asks teaching staff to share tips for colleagues to use and provides support for lecturers through phone, chat, and email. |
University of Amsterdam |
At UvA, the Teaching & Learning Centre has developed the visually attractive Educational Redesign Aid to help lecturers decide to choose activities and accompanying technologies for (online and remote) education. It is part ofthe open Canvas course Keep on Teaching, where information is provided about, among other things, attention to organising workgroup lectures, administering assignments and wellbeing of the staff, balancing work and private life. |
Eindhoven University of Technology | TU/e also offers an open Canvas page with overviews of tools for online (synchronous) education and remote testing. |
Many other universities, including Wageningen University & Research and Tilburg University, provide information to their lecturers via their intranet.
Projectsecretaris Versnellingsplan Onderwijsinnovatie met… Meer over Yvonne Florissen
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