Heritage is not just about artefacts; it is about people, culture and the right to participate in the rich tapestry of our shared history. In today's digitising society, we must consider how to reflect these values in the digital domain. Much work has been done on intellectual impact (access to cultural heritage) and on creative impact (reuse and digital skills). Much less work has been done on emotional impact - how can we make heritage part of our digital lives in a meaningful way?

Results from a recent survey on what people want with digital heritage show that being able to search and browse well is ofcourse important. But even more than that: people want to experience heritage intensely! The aim of this afternoon is therefore to explore together how we can meet this challenge.
Please check the program and registration link!
The event is of particular interest to:
- people from heritage institutions aiming to create meaningful interactions and emotional impact;
- researchers and students passionate about advancing knowledge at the intersection of heritage and technology;
- technology companies providing support for innovative interactions.
See for a report of this event the article of Elsbeth Kwant:
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