The Spotlight does manage to merge campus lectures with online weblectures or online live lectures. The remote is able to project a digital spotlight on the screen which of course can be captured by the weblecture software that we have on campus. With this technology students watching the weblectures can see what the lecturer is focusing on. Have a look at the video below to see the spotlight in action. I also squeezed in some weblecture recordings so you can judge for yourself if the quality is good enough.
Now how does it work? It’s a gyroscope. The spotlight appears at the location of the mouse on your computer screen. Any movement of the remote translates to movement of the spotlight on screen. No matter where you point the remote, press the spotlight button and it works. Now that looks quite stupid if you're pointing the wrong way, but the concept is genius. Point at a beamer and it just magically works. Why isn’t there an app for that?
If you are looking to blend campus lectures and online lectures, this is the tool for you. Oh, and one more thing. Did I mention that you don’t have to turn it on or off? That might sound trivial but I occasionally find myself out of batteries because I forgot to turn off my laser pointer. So now I don’t have to carry an extra battery pack around anymore.
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