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Alle artikelen van Large Scale Computing

29 artikelen

  1. Dinsdag 28 juni: Informatiebijeenkomst Deïdentificatie

    Onder de Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming (AVG) hebben instellingen meer verplichtingen bij het verwerken van persoonsgegevens. Onder anderen door het beschermen van persoonsgebonden data, een methode hiervoor is pseudonimisatie. Maar hoe doen we dit efficiënt? Vanuit SURF is een project gestart, om de behoefte aan tools te verkennen die pseudonimisatie van data mogelijk maken voor onderzoekers binnen bij onderwijs-, zorg en onderzoeksinstellingen, genaamd ‘deïdentificatie’. Tijdens deze informatiebijeenkomst willen we jullie graag meer vertellen over het initiatief deïdentificatie van data.

  2. SURF Research Week

    SURF Research Week is the national conference that connects research, IT and innovation. The event will take place on 10, 11 and 12 May 2022. You can sign up for just 1 or 2 days, or for the full 3 days. It's free!

  3. SURF Communities is vernieuwd!

    Heb je het gezien? SURF Communities is vernieuwd. SURF Communities is hét platform voor iedereen die binnen het onderwijs en onderzoek werkt aan innovatie met ICT. Kennis delen, elkaar inspireren en contacten leggen staan centraal. En vanaf nu kan dat nog makkelijker! Lees nu wat er is veranderd en neem vooral een kijkje op de vernieuwde site!

  4. Grootste genetische studie in ALS identificeert 15 genetische risicofactoren

    Onderzoekers van het UMC Utrecht hebben 15 genetische risicofactoren voor Amyotrofische Laterale Sclerose (ALS) geïdentificeerd. Dit leidt tot belangrijke nieuwe inzichten in het ontstaan van ALS. De studie is deze week gepubliceerd in het toonaangevende vaktijdschrift Nature Genetics.

  5. Project MinE update: prestigious prize for innovation in ALS

    MinE is an international project to trace the genetic causes of ALS, a deadly muscle nerve disease. SURF provides storage and analysis of the mountain of DNA that the project produces. In December 2020, a Project MinE meeting took place, online. One week later, the project was awarded the prestigious Healey Center International Prize For Innovation In ALS.   In total 52 researchers and representatives of ALS foundations from all over the world joined the Project MinE meeting on 4 December 2020. First a general update was given on recent and future sequencing batches, the number of data access requests that have been processed (>40), and the status of all different datafreezes that have been released and will be released soon. All seven working groups gave an update on their progress (phenotype data, gene burden testing, epigenetic data, infrastructure, structural variation and repeated elements, non-coding variation, and working with industry). A number of action points were agreed upon, including exploring sharing MinE data through the EGA webarchive where possible, releasing new datafreezes through, and making an inventory of all informed consents among Project MinE partners to investigate if these are compatible with potential collaborations with industry, given the GDRP. One week later, on Friday  December 11th, Project MinE was awarded the prestigious Healey Center International Prize For Innovation In ALS ( The team was awarded the Healey Center Prize for Innovation for successfully sequencing the genomes of over 10,000 people and increasing our understanding of the genetic variations that alter the risk of ALS as well as other clinical aspects of the disease. The award text says: “The impact of this genome sequencing project has been tremendous as the genes that were identified from this effort are currently and actively used in diagnostic tests, gene therapy, and drug discovery efforts in the field.”

  6. Sign up now for the SURF Research Week

    Don’t miss it! Are you working as a researcher, research supporter, data steward, PhD candidate or as a policymaker at a university, university of applied sciences, research institute, university medical center, or in the industry?  Sign up now for SURF Research Week, the national conference for research & ICT. We bring you an inspiring online programme on 13, 14 and 15 April from 13:30 to 17:00. Feel free to pick all three afternoons, or only a specific afternoon you like!  Check out the website for more information:  #srw21 #research Connecting Science and Technology.

  7. Nieuw: de SURF AI Innovators Podcast

    “Wanneer iets intelligent is, is natuurlijk een heel grijs gebied” - Caspar van Leeuwen Sinds kort presenteert SURF Sounds de AI Innovators Podcast. Dé podcast over Artificial Intelligence voor onderwijs of onderzoek. Of, nouja, nog niet helemaal natuurlijk. Laten we het een experiment noemen!

  8. Introduction to AMD GPU architecture and application porting

    The significant changes in the supercomputing landscape lead HPC centers to broaden their choices of computer architectures and to take a pivotal role in adapting state-of-the-art technology. This, lead to an increase in computing power and to a diversification of the existing computing architectures. Thus, following the upcoming hardware and software trends in supercomputing is crucial for the development of newer and faster computational methods for science and industry.   The innovation project “Compute systems technology assessment” is a collaborative effort between the SURF Open Innovation Lab (SOIL) aims to understand the potential of newer HPC architectures for a wide range of scientific computing workloads, and to promulgate the acquired knowledge/expertise with the academic and industrial community. The SURF organisation conducts knowledge sessions, which guides researchers to adapt to the latest available technology, thus lowering the threshold required to work with newer computing architectures. With this in mind, the SURF Open Innovation Lab (SOIL) in collaboration with University of Amsterdam and NIKHEF organised a webinar session targeting application portability to AMD-GPU accelerators. The webinar session featured four presentations focussed not only on the theoretical part of the AMD GPU architecture, but also on the practical aspects of running a ported legacy application on AMD GPUs. During the 90 minutes of the webinar session, live demonstrations of code portability were conducted, and a GPU ported computational chemistry application was presented. The webinar was conducted with a vast and active participation of users outside of SURF,  which not only provided a very positive feedback on the content of the session, but also expressed the desire to experiment with the existing AMD hardware. Please find the recording attached along with the blog post.

  9. Webinar: Building Intelligence Software in de anderhalve-meter samenleving

    Hoe kan Building Intelligence Software (BIS) jouw onderwijsinstelling ondersteunen bij het ruimtegebruik in de anderhalve-meter-samenleving? Op dinsdag 16 juni organiseren de UU en VU samen met SURF, het ComeniusNetwerk en het Versnellingsplan een webinar met 5 leveranciers - Lone Rooftop, Twiqel, 12CU, Mapiq en TimeEdit - die de mogelijkheden van hun BIS toelichten. Lees hier meer

  10. Webinar 16 juni: Building Intelligence Software

    Hoe kan Building Intelligence Software (BIS) jouw onderwijsinstelling ondersteunen bij het ruimtegebruik in de anderhalve-meter-metersamenleving? Op dinsdag 16 juni organiseren de Universiteit Utrecht, de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam en de Vraagbaak voor online onderwijs een webinar met 5 leveranciers - Lone Rooftop, Twiqel, 12CU, Mapiq en TimeEdit - die de mogelijkheden van hun BIS toe zullen lichten. Tijd: 11.00-12.00u Locatie: