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Alle artikelen van Veilige Datakoppeling

21 artikelen

  1. SURF Communities is vernieuwd!

    Heb je het gezien? SURF Communities is vernieuwd. SURF Communities is hét platform voor iedereen die binnen het onderwijs en onderzoek werkt aan innovatie met ICT. Kennis delen, elkaar inspireren en contacten leggen staan centraal. En vanaf nu kan dat nog makkelijker! Lees nu wat er is veranderd en neem vooral een kijkje op de vernieuwde site!

  2. Enquete

    In februari lanceerde de zone Studiedata de website Tijd voor een evaluatie! Deel in minder dan 5 minuten je mening over de website zodat we die nog beter op de behoeftes kunnen afstemmen. 👉

  3. Sign up now for the SURF Research Week

    Don’t miss it! Are you working as a researcher, research supporter, data steward, PhD candidate or as a policymaker at a university, university of applied sciences, research institute, university medical center, or in the industry?  Sign up now for SURF Research Week, the national conference for research & ICT. We bring you an inspiring online programme on 13, 14 and 15 April from 13:30 to 17:00. Feel free to pick all three afternoons, or only a specific afternoon you like!  Check out the website for more information:  #srw21 #research Connecting Science and Technology.

  4. The importance of open standards within the EdTech ecosystem and collaboration in Europe

    On 7 January, the Task Force on Education (TF-EDU) inaugurated the new year discussing the importance of open standards in the EdTech ecosystem. Meeting background In the last year the education sector has progressively relied on ICT due to the COVID pandemic. To add educational value, many universities have implemented new ICT tools leading to the creation of the so-called EdTech ecosystem. In order to make the EdTech ecosystem reliable, flexible, future-proof and more accessible to all, it is essential to focus also on the interoperability between tools, data sharing, data governance and accessibility. The easiest and most sustainable way to do this is by working with existing and well-adopted EdTech open standards (agreements). The purpose of the workshop was twofold: – Emphasise the importance of open standards and inform about open standards for education. – Reflect and discuss the role of European universities and NRENs within the (further) development of open standards for education. About open (educational) standards and IMS Every day we use standards without realising it. For example, a metre is always a metre, an AAA battery has the same size everywhere in the world and we all stop at red traffic lights. We also use digital standards: think of the lock in the browser bar when you visit a safe website (HTTPS) and PDF documents. In education there are standards that support the EdTech ecosystem. These standards provide flexibility, exchangeability, interoperability, accessibility and more. IMS Global Learning Consortium is responsible for the development of a number of widely used educational open standards, such as LTI, Caliper, OneRoster, Edu-API, QTI. Although IMS is a Global organisation, it is oriented towards the American education sector. Because of different laws and regulations (such as GDPR) and a different education system, it’s important that Europe’s voice is listened to in this area. The IMS Europe community comprises an IMS Europe Technical Task Force, an IMS Europe Leadership Board3 and a European Edu-API Task Force. The role of European educational institutions and NRENs What is the role of European educational institutions and NRENs in the field of open standards? This topic was discussed in sub-groups at the workshop. It emerged that European educational institutions and NRENs can contribute in the following ways, for example: Transforming key challenges, wishes and issues of institutions and vendors into needs for standards and cooperation. Providing insights to local markets. Understanding how standards can be used and inform institutions (as an NREN) or inform employees. Supporting institutions in tendering processes. Promoting standards to vendors, institutions, makers and funders at European level. Recording and presentations from the workshop can be found here. Would you like to contribute to the European community of IMS Global? Would you like to know more about open educational standards and/or IMS?  Visit the IMS website and/or contact Markus Gylling   About standardsAll over the world ICT is used more and more for collaboration and communication purposes. But not everybody uses the same software. Interoperability allows for improved compatibility between different systems, and makes it easier to share data. Doing so requires agreements on the content of the information to be exchanged, its significance and the applicable technologies. Such agreements are sometimes made between two organisations, but more often they apply to an entire sector or a certain generic type of application. In the latter case, they are called standards. Standards exist in the form of agreements, concepts and architectures. Open standards are not supplier-dependent (or ‘proprietary’) but foster integration and exchange between facilities. Using standards enables data to be exchanged simply, securely and reliably, which benefits the quality of the exchange. It is also more economical and efficient to create and maintain a single interface and to avoid supplier dependence.   About IMS Global Learning ConsortiumThe IMS Global Learning Consortium is a non-profit, member-based collaborative with a mission to improve the learning experience for students, teachers and administrators: to advance technology that can affordably scale and improve educational participation and attainment. To ensure that the learning impact of technology-enabled innovation is achieved around the world, IMS’s influential community of educational institutions, suppliers, and government organisations develops open interoperability standards, supports adoption with technical services, and encourages adoption with technical services.   IMS Europe Leadership BoardBecause education is largely regional in nature, IMS works with its members to design a regional experience. Since 2018, the Europe Board has been the entity within IMS Global that drives efforts in Europe. The main focus areas of the IMS Europe Board are: To ensure that the needs and interests of European members are met in IMS specifications by documenting local (European) functional requirements and use cases and ensuring active representation on relevant working groups; To create and foster a community among institutions, focusing on experience sharing, use case gathering and the interoperability first principle. To increase awareness and adoption of IMS standards in Europe by holding an annual IMS Summit on European soil, producing information materials specifically targeting the European educational marketplace, participating and presenting on IMS at relevant European conferences, as well as establishing long-term partnerships with European institutions that are engaged in the development of ed-tech protocols and standards. Members of the IMS Europe Leadership Board IMS contributing members who are located in Europe and/or have a substantial part of their activity in Europe are eligible to become part of the IMS Europe Leadership Board. Visit the IMS website for an overview of the current members of the IMS Europe Leadership Board. Educational institutes, national research and/or educational cooperatives and councils and vendors are currently represented in IMS Europe Leadership Board.

  5. Webinarserie | Peerfeedback in online onderwijs

    Hoe houd je studenten actief en betrokken bij online onderwijs? En hoe bevorder je tegelijkertijd dieper leren? Peerfeedback is een krachtig instrument om dit te bereiken! In een serie van drie webinars kom je alles te weten over peerfeedback. Van wat het is tot hoe je het invoert.

  6. Een implementatieplan voor learning analytics opstellen met het LACM

    Wil jij onderwijs gaan verbeteren aan de hand van learning analytics maar lastig hiermee te beginnen? Of al op kleine schaal ervaring opgedaan en nu van plan op te schalen naar opleidings-, faculteits- of instellingsniveau? Wij (onderzoekers van de HU) kunnen helpen inzicht te krijgen in welke organisatorische vaardigheden met betrekking tot learning analytics al binnen de instelling aanwezig zijn en welke nog ontwikkeld moeten worden. Onlangs is het tijdens mijn promotieonderzoek ontwikkelde model – het Learning Analytics Capability Model – vertaald naar een praktische applicatie. Om het model en de applicatie in de praktijk te toetsen zoeken wij geïnteresseerden die werkzaam zijn binnen hoger onderwijsinstellingen om gedurende een dagdeel in kleine teams een implementatieplan voor de eigen instelling willen maken. Beoogde deelnemers: beleidsmakers, ICTO-medewerkers, informatiemanagers, projectleiders, institutional researchers en data-analisten die bezig zijn of aan de slag willen met learning analytics binnen hun instelling in het hoger onderwijs. Doel: gebruikmakend van de applicatie en onder leiding van een expert een learning analytics implementatieplan (‘roadmap’) voor de eigen instelling opstellen. Planning: de sessie duurt een dagdeel en kan in overleg in augustus, september of begin oktober worden ingepland. Onderzoek: de resultaten van de sessie worden in geanonimiseerde vorm gebruikt om een wetenschappelijk artikel over de validatie van het Learning Analytics Capability Model te schrijven.     Locatie: gezien de huidige omstandigheden zal deze sessie online plaatsvinden. Geïnteresseerd of behoefte aan meer informatie? Neem dan contact op via of 06 - 28 32 14 37.

  7. Met eduVPN veilig werken en leren op afstand

    Met alle medewerkers en studenten die vanuit huis werken, is veilige en beveiligde wifi-toegang noodzakelijker dan ooit. eduVPN biedt zowel veilige toegang tot campusnetwerken, als veilig gebruik van publieke wifi-netwerken. In deze blog licht ik toe hoe eduVPN ingezet kan worden.

  8. Terugblik webinar: Hoe kun je data-analyse inzetten om Corona effecten te simuleren?

    De komst van Corona heeft het onderwijs in Nederland op vele manieren in korte tijd beïnvloed. Er is geen eindexamen, het BSA wordt uitgesteld en er wordt online lesgegeven en getoetst. Deze veranderingen roepen vragen op en in dit webinar bespreken we op welke manier je data-analyse kunt inzetten om de effecten hiervan te simuleren. Host en techniek: Michel Jansen (SURF), Chat moderator: Iris Huis in ’t Veld (SURF) Wil je het hele webinar terugkijken? Dat kan hier.

  9. Online proctoring: report March 27

    On 27 March, the SIG Digital Assessment organised a webinar together with SURF to share experiences about online proctoring as a solution for summative remote assessment.  135 people participated. In this report, we share the most important recent developments around online assessment.

  10. How to use Zoom in a GDPR-compliant way?

    Do you use Zoom to organise and run your online education? Below you’ll find a number of links on how to use Zoom as privacy-friendly as possible (NL / EN).