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110 artikelen

  1. Robots and AI are coming for the future of work, but are they coming for higher education?

    The XR Pilot hub attended the Erasmus Data Summit last week; where the future of the workforce was the primary theme. There was a lot of focus on (Generative) AI and robotics; but was it relevant to our educational institutions? The annual Erasmus Data Summit serves as a platform at Erasmus University Rotterdam, bringing together professionals from the South Holland region who are involved in data, AI, and Immersive technologies (Learn more at While XR didn’t make it to the main stage as much as we had hoped, we found intriguing questions to take home. The immersive tech fair after the main stage was a popular place to try new things and see where AI is meeting XR in practice.

  2. Event: "Why digital heritage does not make us cry yet" (May 21, KB The Hague)

    There are few good examples of digital heritage with emotional impact. In the meantime, technology is evolving in ways that could aid emotional response - by becoming more immediate, interactive and immersive. So welcome to this exploratory meeting!

  3. Lesgeven met XR: Device management

    Wil je je studenten beter betrekken bij de les? Ze veilig laten oefenen in een simulatie? Ze onzichtbare dingen laten zien via een Virtual Reality bril? Immersieve technologieen (XR) maken het mogelijk maar vragen wel een goed device beheer. 

  4. Welk onderwerp kies je voor een volgend event van de Community Virtuality?

    Beste Virtuality-leden. We willen graag de komende meetups aankondigen waarin we best practices op het gebied van XR bespreken. Help ons door hieronder je voorkeuren aan te geven, zodat we onze sessies kunnen afstemmen op jullie interesses en behoeftes. Op basis van actuele discussies binnen verschillende XR-community's hebben we drie belangrijke onderwerpen geïdentificeerd: 1.      Het starten met of het implementeren van XR: wat zijn de belangrijkste aspecten, kosten, tijdsinvestering en meer. 2.      XR-apps toevoegen aan officiële app stores: waar moet je rekening mee houden? 3.      XR-leerplatforms: welke opties zijn er voor het maken of uploaden van XR-content? En hoe toegankelijk zijn die voor studenten?

  5. A reflection on SXSW24 by SURF

    SXSW treated us nicely this year and inspired us with lots of new ideas and insights. Founded in 1987 in Austin, Texas, South by South West (SXSW) is best known for its conference and festivals that celebrate the convergence of the interactive, film, and music industries. The event features sessions, showcases, screenings, exhibitions and a variety of networking opportunities. SXSW proves that the most unexpected discoveries happen where diverse topics and people meet.  This year, SURF was represented by three colleagues, Thijs van der Horst, Mark Cole & myself, and we were accompanied by many more Dutch R&E organisations, like Hogeschool Inholland, Hogeschool Utrecht, ROC Mondriaan & Grafisch Lyceum Rotterdam. Even our Minister for Digitalisation, Alexandra van Huffelen, took part in the event. We immersed ourselves in an 8-day program full of keynotes, featured sessions, workshops and experiences. Here are a couple of takeaways we would like to share with you, out of over 4500 sessions. 

  6. The XR Innovation Forum: a discussion platform on eXtended Reality (XR)

    A few weeks ago, SURF launched the XR Innovation Forum, an online forum for knowledge exchange and discussion of the use of XR in research and education. The platform, a pilot project that will initially last a year, is intended for teachers, researchers, developers, staff, students and anyone within our institutions interested in XR.

  7. De weg vinden in een digitaal doolhof

    Stel je voor: de campus vol studenten met VR-brillen op. Of lege collegezalen, omdat studenten liever leren van hun AI-vriendjes op hun favoriete sociale media platform. Een realistisch toekomstbeeld? De toekomst van het onderwijs (en onderzoek!) lijkt steeds verder te digitaliseren. Voor mij voelen dit soort beelden soms dystopisch, is dit de wereld waar we naartoe gaan? Wie de toekomst kan voorspellen, mag het zeggen. Maar we maken ook zelf keuzes over de toekomstige inzet van technologie. Hoe vinden we onze weg in dat digitale doolhof?

  8. Call for Proposals for National XR Day 2024 is open!

    National XR Day will be at the University of Twente this year on 3 july 2024, and is organized by SURF, University of Twente and Saxion, also partnering with Npuls and DUTCH. It is the second edition of National XR Day, again a full day by and for the SURF community on everything that is happening with eXtended Reality for education and research. We are looking for contributions to the programme, either a presentation, workshop, demo or poster, see below!

  9. XR Developer Network meeting 28/2 on Responsible XR + Try a device!

    The focus of this XR Developer Network meeting is on Responsible XR, and specifically the practical aspects you face or are involved in as a developer. How much time and resources do you spend on responsible XR aspects, such as privacy, accessibility of inclusiveness? Do you think these topics are important? Would you like to be more focused on them within your projects, but don't have the means to do so? Etc. In the session we will have a presentation on Responsible XR from John Walker (from the team Futures & Values at SURF), followed by a more interactive part where you will discuss this topic with the others present. During lunch after the meeting you can try some new, or less common XR devices.  

  10. Dit lees je op LinkedIn over… VR

    Wat zijn de voor- en nadelen van VR? Waar moet je op letten als je VR breed wilt implementeren? En hoe kan VR als ondersteuning van de stage dienen? Allemaal onderwerpen waarover geschreven wordt op LinkedIn. Wij selecteerden zeven berichten die in de maanden december en januari op LinkedIn verschenen. Zo ben jij in een paar minuten weer helemaal up-to-date.