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Alle artikelen van Vraagbaak Online Onderwijs

730 artikelen

  1. Hoe maak je AVG-proof gebruik van Zoom?

    Maak je gebruik van Zoom voor je online onderwijs? Hieronder een aantal links over hoe je zo privacyvriendelijk mogelijk gebruik maakt van de tool (NL/EN).

  2. THEME | Remote testing and assessment

    In this topic you will find frequently asked questions about (remote) testing. We refer to interesting articles and process useful information and tips that we receive as soon as possible in this overview.

  3. THEME | Use of video

    I am looking for (extra) facilities for online lectures and workgroups The University of the Netherlands, together with its technology partner NEP Technologies, offers educational institutions the opportunity to conduct lectures and workgroups on a large scale from any location in the coming weeks. See the factsheet (Dutch). Where can I find knowledge about using video? Delft University of Technology has made several factsheets (in English) on DIY video, for example on recording video, didactic use of video, scripting and editing. Click here to see the factsheets. On 18 March, we organised the online seminar ‘How do we move our education online?’. Use the link to watch the webinar in Dutch (log in first). SIG Media & Education has been collecting and sharing knowledge about the use of video on this website for many years (Dutch). Martijn Hoeke (chairman of the SIG Media & Education) published handy videos: Tips and scenarios for online education (video in Dutch) Tips for using PowerPoint on video (video in Dutch) Smoothdraw as digital blackboard (video in Dutch; the video refers to a template, which you can find here)

  4. THEME | (Open) educational resources

    By using available digital educational resources made by colleagues, you as a lecturer, can quickly start digitising your course. Digital educational resources come in all shapes and sizes, such as digital (practice) tests, virtual reality simulations, or knowledge clips students view prior to the lecture. By using an open license, you give others permission to use or adapt the material with certain conditions. This way colleagues can benefit from each other's work. Do you want to ask a question to colleagues in the sector? Or do you have a topic that you would like to discuss with others? Then go to the forum and post your question. You can also respond to other people's questions here. You can log in with your institutional account to join the forum.

  5. FAQ: Examples and tips for online education

    Quick guide: If you need (or have been told) to put your campus course online in a hurry, it is easy to get overwhelmed by the options. Here is a quick guide (English) to help you get reasonable quality, even if you have limited time and resources. (Danika Marquis, TU Delft). Examples and tips from The Netherlands (mostly in Dutch): OU offers six free micro modules (in Dutch) with different suggestions and possibilities. Zac Woolfitt (Inholland University of Applied Sciences – core team SIG Media & Education) wrote a nice blog (English) with various suggestions and possibilities. The Avans University of Applied Sciences community of ICTO coaches has put together an online magazine (Dutch). They also published a free e-book in English. Delft University of Technology shared tips and support (Dutch) they developed for their lecturers. Irene van der Spoel (Utrecht University of Applied Sciences) wrote a useful article on remote teaching on LinkedIn (Dutch). She also published a free e-book (English). Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences developed an online magazine on remote teaching: (Dutch, English version follows asap) Leiden University launched a support website: a new website with tips and tools for remote teaching. It's a work in progress. Check for regular updates and webinars on:  Following the closing of schools, Kennisnet also launched a website with many tips (Dutch) for distance teaching in primary, secondary and vocational education (mbo). Examples from outside of The Netherlands (variety of languages): Educause compiled a library with many tips for distance teaching (English). MIT shares a slide pack: Guide to Moving Courses Online (English). In this article, Flemmish pedagogue Pedro de Bruyckere collected inspiring links from different places all over the world (Dutch). In the USA, data has been collected on what different universities are doing to take their education online. The (enormous) overview can be found here, with types of tools and their application in various educational contexts (English). The German FernUni has published a table overview of different types of tools and their application in different educational contexts (German). Tips from Tony Bates: see this website (English).  European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU) publishes tips, tools, resources, free webinars and courses of various European universities specialised distance teaching: How to communicate about the possibilities of online teaching? Loyola Marymout University in the USA shares how they communicate with staff and students: Faculty: Staff: Students: General:

  6. Beschikbaarheid leermaterialen van uitgevers en leveranciers

    Verschillende uitgevers en leveranciers dragen bij aan het toegankelijk houden van digitaal leermateriaal door beperkingen daarop tijdelijk op te heffen. Dit helpt studenten en docenten die nu niet langer toegang hebben tot deze materialen door sluiting van de campusbibliotheek of –mediatheek. Een overzicht van de initiatieven.

  7. Overzicht ondersteuning instellingen aan docenten

    Hieronder vind je een overzicht van de informatie die instellingen beschikbaar stellen aan hun docenten. De instellingen en pagina's opgenomen in dit overzicht zijn open en voor iedereen toegankelijk. 

  8. Designing online education using open educational resources

    By using digital educational resources from colleagues you as a lecturer make a flying start in digitising your course. Digital educational resources come in all shapes and sizes, such as digital (practice) tests, virtual reality simulations or knowledge clips that students view prior to the lecture. With an open license, you give others permission, under certain conditions, to use or adapt the material. This allows colleagues to benefit from each other's work.

  9. Easy re-use

    Under enormous time pressure, suddenly all lecturers in the Netherlands and abroad have to offer their education online. Of course, they use materials that they already have or maybe they attempt to find materials from others that they can reuse or adapt to their own context. Of course, during these crazy times, everyone understands if you will not pay attention to whether you can actually use everything just like that. However, if you go through the following steps, you can easily and quickly meet the requirements for the re-use of other people's materials and you will not run into problems later concerning the misuse of materials. Step 1. Search & find: of course you can just use search engines like Google or Yahoo. Make sure you search for materials that can be re-used. You can do this on Google via Advanced search > Use rights. There are also several educational search engines and repositories that contain interesting, up-to-date collections of educational resources. Step 2. Assess: when you have found educational resources that you think are useful, you have to assess them. You delve further into the content, but it is also important to see what you can do with the materials. For that you need to check the licenses. If the material has an open license, you may probably use it immediately. Check what the licenses mean and what conditions you must meet on What are open learning materials. Stept 3. Adapt: if you are going to use the material you found in your online education, make sure to state the correct sources. Add at least: author publication year or date of visit title source link to the source Also, don’t forget to add a license to your newly made or modified material! All these steps are described in detail in the step "Using other people’s open educational resources" in the step-by-step plan Introduction to open educational resources. In the Introduction to open learning materials you can read what open educational resources are, how you can use them in your own education and how you can set up your own materials in such a way that others can make optimal use of them. If you have any questions about using open educational resources in your online education, please contact us!

  10. THEME | Software and tools

    In this topic, you'll find an overview of information answering the following questions: What tools for education exist? Which tool do I use for what purpose? What are useful tips and tricks around working with Microsoft Teams? Which tools and services are available through SURFconext? How can I make video calls quickly and easily?